Does your child have a social-communication difficulty?

It is believed that over 90% of children with Autistic Spectrum Condition will have social-communication difficulties, and approximately 65% of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Social-communication difficulties are also often associated with learning difficulties, including most commonly problems with literacy.

Symptoms of social-communication difficulties include:
*       Difficulties interacting with family, friends and key care workers
*       Reduced eye contact
*       Difficulty using and reading facial expressions
*       Difficulty using and reading body language
*       Poor awareness of personal space
*       Poor understanding of emotions/empathy
*       Poor awareness of rules of conversation; e.g. turn-taking of speech
*       Go off topic/monopolise conversations
*       Non-meaningful/irrelevant speech
*       Difficulty following instructions
*       Not able to adapt speech for different listeners- e.g. talks to teacher in same way talks to peers
*       Problems understanding meaning conveyed by tone of voice/or implied meaning
*       Not giving background information when speaking to an unfamiliar person
*       Poor greeting/farewells
*       Literal and poor understanding of sarcasm
*       Often delayed development of speech

Effects of social-communication difficulties:
*       Poor parent/peer relationships
*       Social isolation – difficulty making/keeping friends
*       High levels of frustration/anxiety
*       Emotionally volatile
*       Inappropriate/poor behaviour – possibly method of disguising a lack of understanding
*       Reduced literacy skills; including reading, writing and comprehension
*       Difficulty in accessing curriculum – may cause child to fall behind academically/become disinterested in learning

If you would like more information, take a look at this short webcast by Alison, our Speech & Language Therapist